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Dr. Marc Aukerman is a certified medical examiner through the Department of Transportation. Aukerman Chiropractic Clinic is proud to offer this service to drivers who need a DOT medical exam or a DOT card. A DOT physical is valid for up to 24 months. The medical examiner may also issue a medical examiner’s certificate for less than 24 months to monitor certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure.


If you need a DOT physical, please give our office a call to schedule an appointment. Once you are scheduled, we ask that you can show up 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to fill out the necessary paperwork prior to your examination.

During the examination, the doctor will ask you various health-related questions as well as performing various medical and orthopedic testing that includes a vision acuity test and a urinalysis test. Our office does not perform drug testing. If your employer requires a drug test, you must do so at an outside facility. Otherwise, our office can validate all other necessary measures to obtain a full and complete DOT medical examination.



The Federal Motor Safety Carrier Association ( oversees the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. Certified Medical Examiners are the only healthcare providers that are able to perform DOT physicals. As a medical examiner, I am going to share with you today how to pass a dot physical.​


There are standards put in place by the FMSCA for examiners to follow when determining the results of a particular exam. The toughest and strictest areas of the exam include blood pressure, vision, and hearing. Other common roadblocks are diabetes and other medical conditions. Rest assured, as long as you are relatively healthy, taking medications properly, and have adequate documentation, you are likely to pass the dot physical exam.



Let’s start with the urinalysis. You will be required to provide a urine sample that will be collected at the time of the exam. This is not a drug test and we are looking for the specific gravity, protein, blood, and sugar. Any abnormal result here could indicate further testing if needed. The most common irregularity here is sugar. The presence of sugar in the urine means that the body is not regulating blood glucose properly indicating probable diabetes.


If you are diabetic, you can pass the exam, even if you take insulin. In the case of type 1 insulin-dependent, you will need the ITDM Assessment Form filled out by your treating physician to certify that your blood sugar is well controlled. In the case of type 2 diabetes, your most recent blood work will be requested to check you’re a1C levels. TIP: Prepare and bring documents/letters with you on your visit so that we can get your card to you same day!



The medical examiner will review your health history. Surgeries, medications, and other factors may need to be reviewed if they could potentially affect your ability to drive. All of these things are up to the medical examiner’s discretion. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea you will need to bring a printout of your recent CPAP compliance report.

TIP: bring a letter from your treating doctor if you are concerned about a particular surgery you had or a medication you take, it will speed up the certification process!



Next up is blood pressure, this is the most common reason that drivers fail or get reduced certifications. Your blood pressure needs to be 140/90 or less to pass without complicating things. TIP: Do not smoke, drink coffee, or energy drinks before the exam! These will elevate blood pressure.



For your vision screen, you will need to be able to have at least 20/40 vision in both eyes. TIP: wear your contacts or glasses for the exam so that you pass this portion!



For the hearing screen, you will need to hear a forced whisper at least 5 feet. Typically, the examiner will use a forced whisper (a loud whisper) a number, and you will repeat the number when you hear it. TIP: if you wear hearing aids, wear them in so that you can hear and pass.



And then lastly, a physical exam will be performed. The examiner will look in your ears and eyes, listen to your heart and lungs, evaluate your joints and look at your spine. There are other parts to this as well, but these are the highlights.



  • CDL Applicants

  • Current CDL holders (class A, B, C)

  • Just wanting to keep CDL active

  • Class E drivers

  • Company Discounts for multiple drivers

Items to Bring:

  • Your current state-issued driver’s license

  • Glasses, contacts, hearing aids (if applicable)

  • List of all medications that are currently being taken

  • Any special circumstances or exemptions from doctor (blood A1C levels for diabetics done within 3 months, CPAP log, a letter from doctor prescribing medications, etc.)


We will provide you with a certificate of completion that needs submitted to the local DMV.

If you need additional testing, our doctor will recommend the appropriate measures.

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© 2016 Aukerman Chiropractic Clinic 

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